Open Source Collective Updates we love - July Edition ❤️

We're excited about these updates!

  • ESLint has a new website! Seeing the intentionality this community puts into everything they do is great.
  • So does ForgeFed. I love this update because it is one of the shortest, and it's an example of how collectives don't need to write a tome in order to share good news.
  • As a counterexample, this update from Kavita is a great example of how to include so much that it's amazing. Talk about a lot of work done!
  • And we love launches, too. Ferdium's update celebrates their first official release.
  • And, my favourite - SerpentOS now has a full-time dev working on it, as they say in this update. Congratulations, Ikey!

💡 Use the Update Feature to let everyone know how your initiative is doing!

Thank you for sharing the awesome work that your collectives are doing to sustain the open source ecosystem 👾