The impact of Airbnb's support for open source

Airbnb has long appeared on our top open source sponsors leaderboard, but this year they are taking it to the next level. More than just numbers, hearing from maintainers in their own words about how financial support has helped their projects thrive really drives home the impact open source sponsorship can have on the whole ecosystem.
2/ "Airbnb's support has been vital to @babeljs, as we've been able to pay more of our core team, support new language proposals, and think through better supporting polyfills & preset-env (shipping more ES6+ in your code & library code)." —@left_pad,
— Airbnb Engineering (@AirbnbEng) February 24, 2021
4/ "Donations from Airbnb have made it possible for @geteslint to pay core contributors for work. As a result, contributors are able to spend more time pushing forward large projects that weren’t possible when we relied solely on volunteering." —@slicknet,
— Airbnb Engineering (@AirbnbEng) February 24, 2021
6/ Finally, thanks to @lencioni for driving this effort at Airbnb since 2017! 👏👏👏
— Airbnb Engineering (@AirbnbEng) February 24, 2021
8/ Sourcery's codegen capabilities have helped us reduce boilerplate in our Swift code using metaprogramming. We are thrilled to support its development too!
— Airbnb Engineering (@AirbnbEng) March 1, 2021