Fiscal Hosting Options

Our focus at Open Collective is completely on Open Collective Foundation’s collectives and helping them find a new home, whether that is on our platform or not. More than 200 collectives have reached out requesting our support in finding them a fiscal sponsor that will meet their needs, and the below fiscal sponsors have made themselves available for conversations with OCF collectives.
The below fiscal sponsors have not necessarily been vetted by Open Collective or OCF, but we wanted to openly share the list that have reached out to us, along with some information and guidance on how to get in touch with their teams. We are honored by their willingness to help.
Please make sure to communicate with OCF at every step of the process. See their documentation for details.
This post is being actively updated as fiscal sponsors send us their information. We are so thankful to all of the fiscal sponsors that have reached out in response to our call! If you are also a fiscal sponsor that can help, please do not hesitate to reach out. For more information about the situation please refer to our Official Statement.
On the Open Collective Platform
See our Transition Guide when moving to these fiscal hosts.
- All For Climate is a Belgium-based shared non-profit. Climate and social justice-focused collectives active in Europe are encouraged to reach out and apply on Open Collective.
- Huddlecraft is a United Kingdom-based organization specializing in peer-to-peer learning, support and action, which is open to hosting OCF projects. They are focused on UK-based projects or projects using GBP as their core currency, and can offer a 4.25% fiscal hosting fee + £50 set up fee. Reach out to them if you are interested in becoming one of their collectives.
- Open Collective Europe is a European charity serving as the equivalent of a 501(c)(3) in the US. They support open-source, solidarity, artistic, and cultural projects principally rooted in or connected to Europe. (Please refer to OCE’s statement here and read about their offering here)
- Open Source Collective - If your collective works in the open source community, you may be eligible to be hosted by them. However, it is essential to be aware that as a 501(c)(6) organization, there may be restrictions on funding opportunities from specific donors who are limited to funding 501(c)(3) entities. Additionally, there may be constraints on transferring funds from a 501(c)(3) fiscal host to a 501(c)(6) fiscal host. (Please refer to OSC’s statement here and read about transitioning here).
- OUT for Sustainability is an organization that can sponsor projects that are part of the LGBTQ+ community and/or serving the LGBTQ+ community, working towards community resilience (including climate, economic or social resilience), and especially those that are engaged in environmental/conservation/sustainability work. Learn more on their website.
- Pact Collective is a New York-based 501(c)(3) that is accepting applications for mutual aid collectives and groups doing other forms of communal care and/or political education in New York State. Apply on Open Collective or reach out to their team at
- Platform6 Coop is a cooperative that is open to OCF collectives that are explicitly cooperative in their nature and which might otherwise struggle to maintain their operations. While they are not a nonprofit, they could be a good fit for certain situations. Apply on Open Collective.
- Social Change Nest is a United Kingdom-based CIC with 501(c)(3) equivalency, which means it can take on groups outside the UK that are making social change. It has many mutual aid groups, but US-based groups would likely see higher payment processing fees due to international transfers. Get in touch with their team at
- Superbloom is a 501(c)(3) organization supporting “digital rights and Internet Freedom communities, with a focus on human-centered research and design.” They are also open to projects that make technological interventions in mutual aid. Submit your interest here.
- The Alternative Newsweekly Foundation is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to the promotion and support of independent journalism. ANF serves as a fiscal sponsor to organizations that are building and sustaining news and information infrastructure across the United States. ANF offers sponsorship to journalism projects of all sizes and media types for the purposes of increasing public access to high quality local and national reporting by independent news outlets; supporting investigative and enterprise reporting projects and initiatives; and advancing education about the field of journalism and the need for popular support for the craft. Learn more about here.
Not on the Open Collective Platform
- Allied Media Projects' mission is to support art, media, and technology projects working for social justice and social change. They are focused on Detroit-based projects and nationally-focused projects that have an annual operating budget of $100K and above that are aligned with their mission. Submit your interest here.
- The Apereo Foundation is a US-based 501c3 supporting open source software projects developed by and for educational and research institutions (K12 schools, colleges, universities, etc.). Apereo has a 20-year history and works with hundreds of institutions from around the world. They have a specific interest in projects related to teaching and learning, research, campus administrative infrastructure, libraries, and other services supporting academia.
- Aspiration’s Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides a full and customizable slate of fiscal sponsorship services to mission-aligned technology, data, and digital rights projects. They focus on supporting efforts and emerging leaders centered on open and equitable approaches to community, governance, and intellectual property. Feel free to reach out to them at
- The Chapel & York US Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization that helps charitable causes around the world offer tax benefits to donors in America. A fund with their US Foundation provides a presence in the US and allows causes to effectively fundraise without having to set up a legal entity. To have a fund with the Chapel & York US Foundation, an organization’s charitable purposes must be in line with the IRS definition of exempt purposes. Fundholders are most often registered charities in their countries but they also are able to work with corporations and individuals/groups raising funds for US-based charitable projects.
- Common Good is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit financial services organization that offers free tools and support for community-centered economic democracy, including a payment system, an offers & needs board, and fiscal sponsorship. Social justice, environmental, arts-based and other mission-aligned groups are invited to apply. Learn more on their website.
- Community Initiatives is an Oakland, CA based national fiscal sponsor. They currently have around 115 Model A and C projects, sponsored for the benefit of communities in service to social change. They have been around for over 25 years. Their minimum annual budget is $24,000, and the administrative fees are 10% on non-government funds. See their FAQs and Inquiry Form to learn more.
- Earth Island Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization providing long-term support for established projects. Currently there are more than 75 projects under Earth Island sponsorship, creating solutions to interconnected challenges and threats facing our planet and humanity. Read more about their program here.
- Edward Charles Foundation is a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor registered in all forty-one jurisdictions and audited each year by an independent CPA Firm. They also have relationships with many other fiscal sponsors to whom they can refer projects.
- The Field facilitates prosperity for millions of artists across the country, and is standing by to accept and support any artists or art collectives in need of a fiscal sponsor. Start with their FAQ.
- Fiscal Sponsorship Allies is a 501(c)(3) public charity that provides software-powered Model C fiscal sponsorship services to over 100 programs with a wide array of missions. For more information, please find the FAQs and inquiry form on its website.
- Fractured Atlas is a 501(c)(3) arts service organization that provides fundraising tools, educational resources, and personalized support through a Model C Fiscal Sponsorship program to support individual artists and arts organizations in every part of the arts ecosystem. Learn more about Fractured Atlas’s program policies, application, and onboarding processes in their Knowledge Base. Get to know their vibes on their Instagram and blog, Inciter Art. Email with any questions.
- Goodnation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, with a 501(c)(4) arm as well. Through software-based and personalized support, they support social justice missions by providing comprehensive services, including unique features such as debit cards and the option of payroll and benefits. Learn more about services, eligibility, current fiscally sponsored programs, and fees here. Reach out to with questions.
- Hack Club Bank fiscally sponsors over 1,500 organizations, most of them grassroots with missions including software, climate, and social movements. They are software-enabled, can offer physical spending cards, and have a relationship with major foundations. They are managed by the Hack Club, a nonprofit that helps tens of thousands of teenagers learn to code each year. (Any excess fees go toward making Hack Club Bank free for high school students and supporting their education.) Reach out to Dylan and Paul if you are interested.
- Independent Arts & Media is a San Francisco-based 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor supporting Model C projects nationally, and Model A projects in CA, primarily in the realms of arts, culture, media, and journalism.
- Inquiring Systems Inc is a 501(c)(3) supports and develops nonprofit organizations working to make an impact at the systemic level, and moving us forward into the Regenerative Future. ISI provides administrative and regulatory expertise, governmental and regulatory compliance, the corporate shield of protection, workers compensation and liability insurance, tax-exempt status, tax reporting, and more. Read more and contact them on their website.
- March On Foundation exists to increase civic engagement, champion first amendment rights, and amplify the voices of the underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed in order to empower and support communities. Read about their fiscal sponsorship program here.
- Mission.Earth is a MA-based 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor with a global reach. They try to offer space for anyone to do charitable work at any scale, without fundraising minimums or recurring fees. They are also happy to provide a stop-gap for any projects as they look for their next step. Projects can apply here.
- Mission Edge is a good fit for larger projects with over $100k per year that are looking for a deeper level of partnership/support, offering both Model A and C fiscal sponsorship. They are more of a partner/incubator than a platform and are happy to talk to any projects looking for a deep level of support.
- Movement Strategy Center (MSC) specializes in comprehensive Model A fiscal sponsorship, and is currently focused on recruiting larger BIPOC-led projects. Our fiscal sponsorship services support transformative movement building leaders, collaboratives, initiatives, and networks as they deepen their financial and operational knowledge in the service of expanding their mission’s impact and role in systemic change. MSC provides tools, training and capacity-building resources to projects, such as deep, strategic planning support. Begin by reading more about their program here.
- The Ocean Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that hosts projects focused on marine issues. Read more about their fiscal sponsorship program here.
- Players Philanthropy Fund -is an independently audited, comprehensive 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, operating nationwide across all 41 jurisdictions and in 26 countries. Stemming from its origins rooted in the NFL, PPF has evolved to encompass a diverse portfolio of over 550 dynamic projects. To reflect their commitment to maximizing the impact of collectives’ mission and to ensure that the majority of their funds are channeled directly towards advancing your cause, PPF is prepared to waive their fees for the initial transfer and is prepared for immediate onboarding. To apply, reach out to or apply on their website.
- Social Good Fund is a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor that endeavors to approve projects quickly and easily, with an extensive portfolio of projects. Start by reading their FAQ, then apply.
- SPM Disability Justice Fund is a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for disability justice work led by disabled Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color. Projects' work should also be reflective of the 10 Principles of Disability Justice and not allocate more than 2% of its budget to lobbying activities as defined by the IRS.
- Start.Coop offers Model C fiscal sponsorship for programs aligned with their mission to grow the cooperative model and increase education on the cooperative model. Pre-startup cooperatives who have not formed a legal entity are not eligible for fiscal sponsorship at Start.Coop. Programs should have a project budget of at least $25,000 with committed funding sources or a compelling fundraising plan, and a capable team to carry out the proposed work if funded. Apply here.
- Sustainable Futures Institute is a research and action institute dedicated to improving ecological health. They build the inner and outer architecture needed to foster a state of harmony between humanity and the environment and hold a shared intention to assist the regeneration of life on Earth by nurturing community resilience and climate change adaptation. They are growing a small ecosystem of fiscally sponsored projects in the fields of New Economics, Humane Technology, Youth Well-Being, Gender and Family Relations, Cultural Narratives, and Environmental Regeneration. To learn more please contact
We also recommend exploring local organizations that might be a good fit for your collective, such as Evergreen Social Impact in WA or Center for Community Stewardship in WI. Just make sure they understand your logistical needs! We are also open to helping any collectives interested in forming a new organization together to connect with one another and collectivize their infrastructure, although to do so is no small undertaking. If this is of interest to you, reach out to us.
Here are some additional unverified resources that may be helpful:
- A spreadsheet made by an OCF collective admin
- “Movement-Friendly Fiscal Sponsors”
- The full Fiscal Sponsor Directory
- National Network of Fiscal Sponsors member directory
- All fiscal hosts on the Open Collective platform
If you are a fiscal sponsor that can help, please do not hesitate to reach out.
For more information on the transition process, we have outlined what will happen to your recurring contributions and additional features that you can expect in the coming period. Including the ability to duplicate and merge your collective.
If you have any further questions or need support with anything else please reach out to our team.
With a lot of love and solidarity,
The Open Collective Team