Great new features for Fiscal Hosts

Great new features for Fiscal Hosts

With more on the horizon!

Fiscal Hosts enable Collectives to raise and spend money through their entities and bank accounts.

Manage Collectives and set custom fees

There's a new Hosted Collectives tab on the dashboard, where you can view, search, and filter, plus add funds and set custom host fees per Collective.

Integrated host budgets

Full budget functionality is now available for Hosts, so you don't need a seperate Collective for your Host Organization's income and expenses.

  • To turn your Host budget on starting fresh, go to settings > fiscal hosting > activate host budget.
  • To merge in your existing Host budget Collective and retain the transaction history, contact us.

PayPal option for all hosts

All hosts can now activate PayPal for incoming payments, alongside other options like credit card and bank transfer (previously this was only available for select hosts). If you want to turn PayPal on, please contact us.

Updates and Conversations

Hosts can now use the same great community engagement features as Collectives!

  • Updates are like blog posts that also go out as email newsletters to all the admins of Collectives you host.
  • Conversations are like a public discussion forum on your host page.Both can be switched on in your settings by ticking the relevant 'enable' box. Then you'll see the option to make these types of posts on your host page.

Reorder, enable, disable page sections

In the "profile page" settings area, you can now take control of your host page content. For example, you might want to put the "about" section at the top, or hide the financial contribution feature if you don't fundraise for your host directly.

Seeking feedback

A big project is underway to radically upgrade the host dashboard and related features. Jump into these issues to have your say, and help us prioritise what's most important.

If you have any other feature requests, feel free to create an issue. And please join us on the #fiscalhost channel on Discord!