🚀 Time for a change! New Collective & Profile Pages

We've made a big design upgrade! Now is a great time to update your Collective and share it with your community. See what's new!
For specifics please head to our docs.

⭐ Customize it!
The new design is about helping you effectively show who you are to the world. Make it your own!
⚡Update your logo image
Hover over and click 'update logo' or simply drag and drop.
Note: all logos are now designed to display on a white background. If you have a white logo, upload an image with a colored background so it shows up.

⚡Set main color
Change the color of links and buttons, tier cards, and the hero header (if no image is set). Click the 'edit main color' button in the header area.

⚡Change cover image
Click the 'edit cover' button. After uploading, you can drag or zoom the image for the best fit.

⭐ More improvements
Responding to user feedback, we've made some changes to offer a better experience.
⚡Celebrate all Financial Contributors
In order to treat contributions from Individuals and Organizations fairly, they now both appear side by side in a redesigned leaderboard, ordered by amount contributed.

⚡Powerful Tier Options
Tiers now appear as cards. They have customizable action buttons and can have specific goals associated. You can also give tiers their own individual pages with campaign videos! Soon you'll be able to set custom images too.

⚡Custom Contributions
It was always possible for users to set their own custom contribution amount and frequency, but the option was hard to find. Now it appears by default in every Collective (it's deletable if you don't want it). This should also make it easier to find the Paypal payment option.

⚡Contact Button
Every Collective has an email address that forwards to its admins (hello@collectivename.opencollective.com), and now it's much easier to find.

⚡WYSIWG editing
Sections without content won't show to users, but admins will be prompted to add content. Just click the button and an editor will appear.

⭐ Profile Pages
Organization, Fiscal Host, and Individual profile pages have had a big update too!

⭐ We Want Your Feedback!
While we're super happy with these improvements, it's just the first iteration. We expect there will be a few wrinkles to iron out. If you have suggestions or spot any bugs, please let us know.
With love, the Open Collective Team.