Newsletter — September 2018
Fearless Cities, Virtual Cards, latest leaderboard and more!

Fearless Cities, Virtual Cards, latest leaderboard and more!

Cities are Open Collectives.
After Barcelona, Warsaw and New York, Brussels joins the family of cities to host a “municipalist” summit. Fearless Cities is a two day conference designed to discuss a more open, transparent, and inclusive way to manage the city.
It was initiated by the collective of citizens WeBrussels and they’ve created the Fearless Cities Brussels Collective to finance the event (100 tickets sold already!).
Why not organizing a Fearless City in your own city? You, fearless citizen!

Numerical Computing is fun
5 out of 7 Open Collective team members are parents, so we love seeing cool projects that teach children programming and data science. Numerical Computing is fun (by Jupyter4kids) is a series of notebooks that help teach kids principles of programming, python and maths. It’s author, Mikko says that he built this also a good reminder for himself on how to have fun with computers and maths.
Consider supporting this initiative ❤
New Feature: Virtual Cards
A sponsor reached out to us with this idea: they wanted to give a subset of their users $100 gift cards to support open source projects on Open Collective. The result is a new feature that enables organizations to give a code to their users or employees that they can redeem to support collectives. Virtual Cards is live already, if you are interested in joining this beta, please email us:

BackYourStack’s Community is 🔥
A big THANK YOU to @caarlos0 for adding support for Go and to @marcandre for adding support for Gemfiles on BackYourStack! BackYourStack currently detects dependencies from JavaScript (NPM), PHP (Composer), .NET (Nuget), Go (dep) and Ruby (Gem).
The community is actively looking to Python, Erlang/Elixir and Clojure support. Who’s up for it? 👉🏽Contributing Guidelines
News & Inspiration
Who Sponsors Drupal’s development? Dries Buytaert just published an annual report that analyzes how Drupal is developed and how much of that development is sponsored (and by whom). Lot’s of data there to understand better the community behind one of the largest open source ecosystems.
Podcast double happiness! Check out Eric Berry’s (CodeFund’s founder) interview on Founder’s Talk and Justin Dorfman’s (StickerMule Dev Rels) in Away From Keyboard.
Don’t forget: SustainOSS is taking place in London Oct. 25th Join us at changelog’s slack #sustain if you want to contribute.

Tweets that make us proud:

Last month’s Leaderboard
These are the top 10 backers from the last 30 days. Consider this when choosing where to work!
1- Trivago! ($120,000 yearly to webpack)
2 — Material-UI (earned themselves $7,505 from their Creative Tim Affiliates Program)
3 — Cloudflare ($7,500 to refresh their fund to cover tech meetups food & bev)
4 — Facebook Open Source ($5,850 monthly to webpack, babel, storybook, material-ui, gatsby, mobx, vue, rollup , electron, jest and parse-server, docusaurus)
5 — Amp ($4,700 to babel, document-register-element, preact, rollup, webpack & sustainOSS )
6 — Coinbase ($4,500 monthly rubytogether, babel, mobx, webpack, styled-components)
7 — Airbnb ($4,375 monthly to babel, chaijs, cheerio, jest react-virtualized, redux-devtools-extension, rspec, rubocop, sinon, storybook, webpack, Ruby Together, yeoman)
8 — Webflow( $,3500 to babel, webpack, preact & sustainOSS)
9 — Adobe ($2,000 to sustainOSS)
10- Okta ($2,000 monthly to asciidoctor, generator-jhipster)
These are the top 5 collectives by number of new backers…
1 — Fearless Cities Event +52 backers
2 — webpack +46 backers
3 — DarkreaderApp +34 backers
4 — SustainOSS +33 backers
5 — Tech4Good NZ +33 backers
…and the top 5 new collectives (created in the last month) by amount received.
1 — PNW Drupal Summit ($11,489)
2 — Drupal Asheville ($2,815)
3 — Fearless Cities Event (€870)
4 — gobuster ($763)
5 — De Burgers (€100)
Got any news or stories to share in a future newsletter? Or questions you’d like answered? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.
— the Open Collective Team