Open Collective—August 2018 Newsletter

Hello Drupal Camps!

Open Collective—August 2018 Newsletter

Hello Drupal Camps!

We are so happy to announce our collaboration with the Drupal Association to support Drupal Camps on Open Collective! The Drupal community is fantastic and we can’t wait to help the Camps maintain and grow their communities and support networks. Read their announcement here.

Welcome Open Source Diversity!

This collective has the mission to bring about more diversity & inclusion in free & open source software communities

Check out the website for first steps to help make your open source project more friendly and inclusive, open source projects which support underrepresented groups and where you can participate in local spaces or meetups. Consider supporting this initiative:

Creative Tim Affiliates Program

The Open Source Collective is now set up as a way to receive earnings from Creative Tim Affiliates Program. In a similar way we’ve been doing with Threadless Shops and Carbon Ads you can now send the earnings of your themes on Creative Tim to your collective. Creative Tim gives around $30k month to their affiliates who make somewhere between $300 to $6.000/month. Material-UI is making between 6–8k a month already! Read more here and reach out to us if this is a fit for your collective.

Handshake pledges 10.2MM to Open Source as Community Grants.

Handshake, an experimental peer-to-peer root DNS is pledging 10.2MM to sustaining open source.

Free and Open Source Software is an often overlooked but crucial part of the foundations of the Internet. The Handshake project, its sponsors and contributors recognize that the project would not be here today if it wasn’t for the efforts of this community. (…) The Handshake model is an experiment in a self-sustaining alternative source of no-obligation FOSS community support.

Congratulations Babel for being the recipient of a 100k grant! We are thrilled to be able to help them receive this contribution on their collective.

Go to so see the projects receiving these grants and the list of VC and Angels backing it.

Back Your Stack — The Back Story

Last month we shared a first version of Back Your Stack on this newsletter. Last week we shipped it and the community’s reaction was incredible ❤. Here’s a blospost we wrote with the back story. We’d love to expand it so more languages (we already have contributions on the go for C++ and gemfiles). Start here.

News & Inspiration

Nick (@hipsterbrown), from the Open Collective team will be in JS Conf next week, look out for a handlebar mustache in the nodeboat workshop.

What do open source projects spend their money on? By Nadia Eghbal

Open Stand ups are back! Open Collective’s Open Standups are back! Fridays 11AM-ET join us for a chat, a quick product demo and questions — Call link.

Don’t forget: SustainOSS is taking place in London Oct. 25th Join us at changelog’s slack #sustain if you want to contribute.

Tweets that make us proud:

Last month’s Leaderboard

These are the top 10 backers from the last 30 days. Consider this when choosing where to work!
1 — Handshake ($100,000 one time to babel)
2- Trivago! ($24,000 yearly to babel)
3 — Material-UI (earned themselves $18,621 from their Creative Tim Affiliates Program and carbon ads on their website)
4 — Facebook Open Source ($6,850 monthly to webpack, babel, storybook, material-ui, gatsby, mobx, vue, rollup , electron, jest and parse-server, docusaurus)
5 — Coinbase ($4,500 monthly rubytogether, babel, mobx, webpack, styled-components)
6 — Airbnb ($4,375 monthly to babel, chaijs, cheerio, jest react-virtualized, redux-devtools-extension, rspec, rubocop, sinon, storybook, webpack, Ruby Together, yeoman)
7- Amp ($2,700 monthly to babel, document-register-element, preact, rollup, webpack)
8 — Cloudflare ($2500 to support Tech Meetups through their Cloudflare Collective)
9 — ag-Grid ($2,500 monthly to webpack)
10- Okta ($2,000 monthly to asciidoctor, generator-jhipster)

These are the top 5 collectives by number of new backers…
1 — Wei +40 backers
2 — webpack +24 backers
3 — Tech4Good NZ +20 backers
4 — bruxelles-nord-sud +19 backers
5 — dim +13 backers

…and the top 5 new collectives (created in the last month) by amount received.
1 — Wei (€2870)
2 — docusaurus ($2,000)
2 — Charlotte Devs ($612)
5 — Tech4Good NZ ($450)

Got any news or stories to share in a future newsletter? Or questions you’d like answered? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.
 — the Open Collective Team