Open Collective Update—May 2019
What core contributors want, Berlin event, new stuff for fiscal hosts

What core contributors want, Berlin event, new stuff for fiscal hosts
What Core Contributors Want
We recently asked core contributors of over 1200 open source projects about what’s most important to them. Here’s what we learned.

Maintainterati Berlin — Friday 24 May
We are proudly sponsoring this one-day unconferencence for the open source maintainer community. Every participant will receive a $25 Open Collective gift card to contribute to the open source project of their choice!

New: Fiscal Hosting Page
Fiscal hosting enables umbrella organizations to provide financial and legal infrastructure for unincorporated projects to raise and spend money. It’s what makes Open Collective such a unique and powerful tool.
Know any fiscal sponsors looking to reduce overhead and become more transparent? Or curious about how it all works? Check it out!

Also: Fiscal Host admins can now see pending applications from new Collectives on a tab in their host dashboard, in addition to email notifications.
Featured Collective

Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) is a P2P gossip protocol (‘scuttlebutt’ is sea slang for gossip), enabling cryptographically secure decentralized databases. The main SSB use case so far is social networking, giving rise to a vibrant community who is building and using the protocol — and experimenting financially.
News & Inspiration
📝 Notes from the April 12th 2019 Sustain community meetup in San Francisco:
🎉 Open Collective has been selected as a mentor organization for Google Season of Docs! We are seeking technical writers to get paid a stipend to work with us for three months.
⚠️ A cautionary tale about when open source fundraising goes wrong — demonstrating yet again the huge importance of transparency.
🍬 Open Source Candies is a great list of services that are free for open source projects.
🌳 Datree is a GitHub policy engine for enforcing coding standards and security policies, like keeping secrets out, blocking unrecognized committers, mandating commit message convention, and more.
✨ Latest update from the Open Source Collective:

Tweets that make us proud

Monthly Leaderboard
Top Sponsors
Consider this when deciding where to work!
Async API $20,904
Handshake $10,000
Trivago! $10,000
Front End Masters $9,800
Facebook Open Source $6,850
Airbnb $5,376
VCET $4,000
Webflow $3,200
Zeit $3,000
Let’s Encrypt $3,000
Top Collectives
by new backers
Yii Software +68
Polar Bookshelf +29
Dark Reader +27
Top New Collectives
by donations
Drupal Diversity $945
Use React $500
Eleventy $258