Reactivating your Recurring Contributions

We are happy to release a new feature for collectives moving between Fiscal Hosts on the Open Collective Platform.
Once you have been accepted by to your new Fiscal Host, you will see a message on your Collectives Dashboard inviting you to initiate the reactivation process.
You will then be prompted to enter a message that will be sent out to your contributors.
The message will be incorporated into an short series of email notifications, sent over a period of five weeks, to your contributors with paused contributions. The email will take each contributor through the process of reactivating their contributions to your collective.
Once this process is initiated the banner at the top of your dashboard will be replaced with another banner in your Dashboard→Contributions page which will let you know how the process is progressing:
If you are moving to a Fiscal Host that doesn't use the Open Collective platform you can download your contributor and contribution information. Learn more here.
If you need help with any of the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We will do whatever we can to help make this transition just a little bit smoother.
With a lot of love and solidarity,
The Open Collective Team