July 2017 News: Events Feature, Ad Support for Collectives, + more
Introducing… Events!
You can now host meetups, conferences, and fundraisers through your Open Collective, with ticket revenue going directly to your budget.
Check out the SustainOSS conference and a Brussels Together meetup for inspiration. Host an event for your community!
More product updates:
- New transactions page with filters for donations and expenses (great examples: Mocha & Cycle.js).
- Redesigned monthly report for backers, including events and stats.
Supporting Collectives with Ads
We’re exploring an idea: sign up to display ads on your website, and the proceeds go to the Open Collective of your choice. We want to know who is interested and what you think. Take our 2-minute survey.
Quick Report: SustainOSS
We Gathered 100 Open Source Sustainers — Here’s What We Learned
SustainOSS was a one day unconference for open source sustainers. There were no keynotes, expo halls or talks — only…
Case study: Operation Code
Open Source is the Next Mission for These Soldiers
Operation Code supports veterans and military spouses entering the tech industry. Interview with co-founder Conrad…
Community News & Inspiration
We’re constantly blown away by the awesome stuff collectives are doing.
- Webpack 3 has been released!
“We aimed to deliver the features that you voted for! Because of the overwhelming GitHub contributions and support from our backers and sponsors, we have been able to hit each one.” 😍 - Open source music curation platform OpenWhyd raised 4 months of operating costs in 4 weeks from their community.
- Discovery: Cycle.js’s clear, transparent Core Team Documentation, including a straightforward policy for using their Open Collective funds.
- We love OSS Friendly’s list of companies that sponsor open source software.
- Great example of public gratitude: Jason Miller thanking Rafał Kostrzewski on Twitter for his amazing contributions to Preact.