Open Collective Update—August 2019

New 2 min explainer video, anonymous contributions, + new blog, website, and team members.
Check out our sweet new animated explainer video!
Anonymous Contributions
You can now select the “incognito” profile in the contribution flow if you don't want your name to show up on the Collective's public page (admins will still be able to identify you privately).

🤖 Open Collective Bot 🤖
Now even easier to set up! The bot can comment on and tag issues based on whether the author is a financial contributor to your Collective.
Get it on Github Marketplace
Featured Collective
Universal Viewer is solving open source funding by giving sponsors a seat at the table. Creating a Steering Group has been the game-changer, propelling this long-running project into a whole new phase. Read more...
Open Collective's New Blog
We've made the jump to Ghost (who also has a Collective btw) and we're loving it! Visit to see it now!
Open Source Collective's New Site
OSC continues to strengthen its brand and presence. See it here.

Welcome New Team Members!
We are very excited to welcome them both! Learn more about them here.

Anna e só is a documentarian and tech consultant based in Brazil, who joins us through the Google Season of Docs program. They will be improving our documentation across the board.

Alina Manko is expanding our operational capacity from New Zealand. She will be helping with paying expenses, user support, and other projects as we continue to grow.
News & Inspiration
💐 Parse has begun paying a monthly stipend to contributors who have demonstrated a consistent, positive contribution to the community.
🏆 Yii Software has met its first funding goal, enabling its core contributor to to focus primarily on the project.
🐧 LinuxServer explains why they have started a Collective: "Open Collective handles all the tax and accounting related activities, relieving us of the overhead burden and allowing us to focus on our core services."
🏋️ The Loadsharers initiative seeks to fund the "load bearing internet people" who maintain critical infrastructure that can't be monetized.
📈 SourceCred is a tool for creating a contribution graph of your project, helping reveal the activity level of all your contributors.
Tweets that make us proud

Monthly Leaderboard
Top Sponsors
Consider this when deciding where to work!
Handshake (via ACCESS) $19,255
Chrome $10,000
Frontend Masters $6,195
Facebook $5,860
Airbnb $5,376
Pantheon Systems $5,000
Third & Grove $5,000
My Planet $5,000
Clay Global $3,100
ZEIT $3,000
Netlify $3,000
Top Collectives
by new backers
Webpack +52
Nixos +36
Rust Analyzer +35
Dark Reader +29
Top New Collectives
by donations
Nixos $2,441
WWCode Asia $2,213
Bar Camp $643
PixiJS $434