Open Collective Update—November 2019

Platform improvements, upcoming developments, recognizing contributors, ZEIT sponsor profile, and more news.
Platform Improvements
Profile picker
When you add a new Core Contributor or select a Collective or Organization, now you can search existing profiles to find the right one. No more accidental duplicate accounts!

Gift Card Upgrades
Batches for tracking stats related to specific campaigns or events, custom branding for redeem pages and logos on cards, and clearer expiry dates.Contact Form
Clicking the "contact" button now brings you to a nifty new form with built-in anti-spam features. Much better than the old mailto: link!

Contact Form
Clicking the "contact" button now brings you to a nifty new form with built-in anti-spam features. Much better than the old mailto: link!
For Fiscal Host Admins
You can now reject Collective applications instead of leaving them pending, and change expense statuses using new unpay and unapprove buttons.
Projects in Development
New stuff coming soon!
- Conversations: community forum for your Collective.
- New Collective flow: better Collective creation experience.
- Expenses redesign: big improvements to make submitting easier.
- Pricing update: clearer plans, especially for self-hosted Collectives.
- Back Your Stack: support all dependencies with a single payment.
Featured Sponsor

How funding open source gives ZEIT access to world-class talent
"Our dependencies are like suppliers to our project, and Open Collective is our API for support and relationships. It gives us access to a diverse talent pool that would be impossible to build internally. I think of it as having expertise on retainer."
Gratitude to our Contributors
From now on, each month we'll tweet about community contributions via bounties, translations, and more. See the whole thread.

👋 Welcome Alyssa! Open Source Collective has a new team member bringing her expertise in marketing and business development.
🏙️ CEO Pia will join Alyssa for a discussion about open source sustainability in New York on Nov 25. Join us!
➡️ Great news: npm adds support for package funding info, as a better solution than post-install messages.
📖 Anna, our resident expert documentarian, has analyzed the pros and cons of Gitbook in-depth.
🎙️ Open Collective lead developer Francois on the latest episode of the Code[ish] podcast from Heroku.
🆕 Github has enabled Sponsors for organizations, and we're offering this option through OSC. Get in touch if you're interested!
Tweets that make us proud

Monthly Leaderboard
Top Sponsors
Consider this when deciding where to work!
Chrome $23,000
Cloudflare $13,500
Gatsby $11,000
Airbnb $6,627
Factset $6,000
Facebook $5,860
Salesforce $5,600
Paypal $5,000
O'Reilly $5,000
Top Collectives
by new backers
XR Belgium +149
DIM +99
Liberi Oltre +67
Top New Collectives
by donations
XR Regen Weekend $528
Electron Training $400
Code for Venezuela $395
Hi from Xavier's nibling, an adorable Open Collective baby!