October 2017 News: Open Collective V2 released, and we’re hiring!
Open Collective V2 is live! 🚀🚀

Open Collective V2 is live! 🚀🚀
We’ve just finished a 3 month sprint to revamp the platform, and we’re so excited to share the new release with you. Our goal: give more power to core contributors and make it easier for backers and sponsors to support them.
- Custom tiers: set up all kinds of sponsorship levels, backer rewards, special campaigns, or other creative ideas.
- Improved donation interface: see contribution amounts and frequency more clearly.
- Organizations: companies can set up profiles to highlight their giving (ex: AirBnB).
- Save credit card: no need to re-enter your details when you back a new collective. Organizations can save a credit card so employees can give on behalf.
- Edit collective: much easier to add/remove core contributors, change your background, etc.
- New page layout: helping projects more effectively communicate their message.
See full details here, and please send us your feedback and bug reports. We’ll be tweaking and iterating in the coming weeks.

We’re Hiring a Developer
Want to bring about a new type of organization in the world? Come work with us! Looking for someone in NYC who’s passionate about transparency and contributing to open source, with full stack experience in Node.js. More info.
🍕🍕 Cloudflare Wants to Buy You Pizza 🍕🍕
Cloudflare makes the Internet fast and safe for everyone’s websites, not just for huge companies. And they would like to sponsor the pizza for your next meetup! Find out more.
Funding Open Source: How Webpack Reached $400K+/year
Sean Larkin shares his experience growing the project’s budget by attracting backers, building relationships with sponsors, grant searching, vendor partnerships, and developing innovative revenue streams.
Recording from live webinar:
News & Inspiration
Pia at Zeit Day: A New Way of Sustaining Open Source — Financial infrastructure for scalable, sustainable, distributed communities.
Babel: Planning for 7.0 — Re-clarifying the purpose, staying focused, and communicating the roadmap.
Cities are Open Collectives — Why we need to define a new social and economic unit to enable us to fully operate in this world.