Open Collective Update—February 2020

New Homepage, Github Sponsors Integration, Roadmap Update + more

We Have a New Homepage!
Check out the big update to
New Funding Options for Open Source
Open Source Collective is enabling more revenue channels.
Github Sponsors
Raise money for your Collective right through your GitHub repo. You can now select Open Collective when signing up for GitHub Sponsors and link up your Collective.

You can now give Bitcoin to Tor Project, Secure Scuttlebutt, OpenIntents, and OSC. Help us test it out with your spare BTC, or get Bitcoin enabled for your own Collective. Sign up >
Back from Brussels
We're back from an amazing week of events, including Sustain Summit, FOSDEM, and our team retreat. Some highlights:
- Connecting with many of you, our community members!
- Co-hosting Open Source Speed Dating, where 6 projects were awarded $10,000 each!
- Announcing new partners for Back Your Stack and putting the call out for more to join our efforts.
- An amazing Sustain Summit—look out for a full report soon!
- Bringing our remote team together face to face to set the roadmap for the coming period.

News for Fiscal Hosts
Fiscal Hosts are the entities behind the scenes who make it possible for Collectives to receive and spend money.
We've recently introduced new paid plans for fiscal hosts. (Note: fees for Collectives are not changing, only fees for hosts).

The new fees will enable us to create great new features for hosts, like redesigning the dashboard. We'd love feedback from host admins! Dashboard Redesign >
Collectives for the Climate
- With CO2 over 416ppm, the time to act is now. Join the #FridaysForFuture movement.
- Happy Birthday Albert Wegner! For the occasion, he's asking for contributions to the Climate Crisis Collective.
- UK climate Collectives can now get printing expenses reimbursed thanks to All For Climate UK.
- Microsoft has published an ambitious plan to become carbon negative by 2030 and commit $1B for the climate.
- Find Collectives for the climate here—or create your own!
Contributor Appreciation
We're very grateful to members of our community for reporting vulnerabilities, upgrading the discover page, implementing Open Street Maps for events, and improvements to documentation and widgets!

Tweets that make us proud

Monthly Leaderboard
Top Sponsors
Consider this when deciding where to work!
Mozilla $50,000
Eutopia Foundation $50,000
Frontend Masters $32,975
AMP Project $26,200
Backblaze $15,600
Facebook $11,750
Github $10,000
Salesforce $7,000
Airbnb $6,795
Top Collectives
by new backers
Liberi Oltre +329
OSCA Fest 2020 +243
Fridays for Future US +50
Top New Collectives
by donations
OS Speed Dating $50,000
Liberi Oltre $22,000
Hapi $5,000