Open Collective Update—August 2020

Open Collective Update—August 2020: Featured Collectives, Combatting Spam, Github Sponsor Updates, Fiscal Host Upgrades, Monthly Leaderboard and More

Open Collective Update—August 2020

Featured Collectives

“Solidarity Not Charity” in Bushwick, NY
We spoke with Kristen Ablamsky and Fernando Ramos, two local organizers of Bushwick Ayuda Mutua [] (formerly part of Bushwick Mutual Aid) about New York’s community engagement and mutual aid in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Bushwick Ayuda Mutua jo…

Bushwick Ayuda Mutua are responding to the COVID-19 crisis with community engagement and mutual aid, supporting a team of neighborhood volunteers to purchase and deliver groceries to those in need in Brooklyn, NY.

Play By the Rules, or Create New Ones
Nathan Schneider [], Professor of Media Studies at UC Boulder, Journalist, Author, Founder of Community Rule. Photo by By Eleanor Williamson []We spoke with Nathan Schneider of Community Rule [] about the impor…

"My hope is that transparent governance rules become part of what it means to be an open source easy as choosing a Creative Commons license, where you answer a few questions and boom."

ParentPreneur Grants
Thanks to this fantastic initiative, ten black parent entrepreneurs are powering up their businesses with $10,000 in grants, from beauty products to catering to innovative baby bottles.

Combatting Spam

We're working to stamp out spam across the platform. If you have feedback or want to report spam content, join us on Discord.

Github Sponsors Update

385+ open source projects have opted in to our integration with Github Sponsors, together bringing in nearly $10,000 per month. If you want to sign up, follow these steps.

⚠️ We recently emailed all our Github Sponsors users about a required settings change. Please have a look!

Upgrades for Fiscal Hosts

Great new features for Fiscal Hosts
With more on the horizon! Fiscal Hosts [] enable Collectives to raise and spend money through their entities and bank accounts. Manage Collectives and set custom fees There’s a new Hosted Collectives tab on the dashboard, where you can view, search, and filter, plus…

We're in the middle a big update for fiscal hosts, the entities that hold funds on behalf of Collectives.

Hiring: UX/UI Designer

Hiring: UX/UI Designer
Open Collective Design is looking for a new team member! Open Collective DesignDesign can drive action in the open source ecosystem—we can help!Guillermo EsparzaOpen Collective [/open-collective-design/]Job description Our goal is to craft well thought out design solutions everyone on the Open Colle…

Open Collective Design is looking for a new team member! Ideally someone in Latin America (the design team is mainly based in Mexico).

News & Inspiration

🥝 Announcing the launch of Open Collective New Zealand, a new fiscal host for all kinds of kiwi Collectives!

Launching Open Collective New Zealand
For kiwi projects and communities who want money, without all the painful and boring stuff that comes with it. Ever since I joined the Open Collective [] team, I’ve wanted to bring this unique service to my local community. Open Collective has already helped thousands of gr…

🚀 Open Collective Foundation, fiscal host for US-based charity projects, is on track to grow 10x this year, and it's doing a lot of exciting things.

Open Collective Foundation News July 2020
Get ready to 10x Collective impact in 2020 Open Collective Foundation is experiencing massive growth, on track to hit 10x last year’s funding levels across 135+ Collectives []. Groups across the country have sprung into action in response t…

🧬 Code for Science & Society have launched a request for proposals to fund improving access, tools, sustainability and inclusivity in open data science.

Tweets that make us proud

Monthly Leaderboard

Top Financial Contributors

1. Open Society Foundations $100,000
2. NGI Trust $88,500
3. Ford Foundation $50,000
3. Sloan Foundation $50,000
5. Chrome $22,500
6. Schwab Charitable $20,000
7. VGC $18,000
8. XR France $14,500
9. Benevity $12,745

Top Collectives

by new contributors
Bushwick Ayuda Mutua +128
Darkreader +121
DIM +60

Top New Collectives

by contributions
Digital Infrastructure
Ford FOSS Sustainability